
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

34 Weeks

I realize it has been for. ev. er. since I last posted. I am still trying to decide on a focus for this blog. Mommy blog? craft blog? both? neither??  So many decisions so I will go with EVERYTHING until I pull myself together.

As far as Etsy I am taking a bit of a maternity leave. This baby is supposed to be here in the next several weeks and I should start taking some time to prepare! eek!

This is what 34 weeks looks like...check out that wallpaper.

 It is ridiculous how different the first and second pregnancies are. With the first I knew the moment I conceived. I could tell you the song that was playing on the radio that moment, the song that was playing in the waiting room at my first appointment and probably my baby's progress down to the very minute. This morning I could not remember if I was 31 or 32 weeks along. After a quick check of my email I have learned that I am 34 weeks...34 weeks!! ...Oh, and baby is the size of a cantaloupe...

I do have some great custom dolls images to share once pregnancy brain gives me a break and I can remember where i stashed the camera.